Computer Fundamentals


computer fundamentals

Computer Fundamentals

Introduction to Computer
In this lesson, you will learn the basic introduction of computer and you will get the definition of computer. Besides definition, features, applications, advantages, disadvantages and limitations of computer are also included. 

History of Computer
In this lesson, the readers will find the different historical devices developed during the different time periods. Before computers, many calculating devices were invented and some of them are listed in this chapter with their features and specifications.

Generation of Computer
In this lesson, you can get detailed information about five generations of computer. Each generation of computers is categorized according to their time periods, features, major components, sizes, and working capacity.   

Computer System
In this lesson, you will learn how our computer is formed and the components of a computer's system. The hardware and software are the major components. Different units of the computer systems are also included in this chapter.

Types of Computer
In this lesson, you will learn the types of computers on the basis of working principle, size and power, their uses and applications. Some of the major classifications of computer are included in this lesson.  

Computer Hardware And Software
In this lesson, the readers will get detailed and informative knowledge about computer hardware and software. You will also learn about different categories of hardware and types of software too. 

Computer Memory
In this lesson, you will learn about computer memory, types of computer memory, functions of memory, and operational features of computer memory. 


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