Types Of Computer

Types Of Computer

Types of computer
Types of computer

There are different types of computers developed till today. These days’ computers are based and used on their capabilities, performance, processing, and operational needs of the user. The computers have been categorized into different categories on the basis of the uses, functions, purpose, working principle, brand, and data handling capacity. Some common types of computers are discussed below:

Types of computers on the basis of working principles/functions:

  1. Analog Computer
  2. Digital Computer
  3. Hybrid Computer

analog computer

Analog Computer: An analog computer is a computer that is used to process analog data. Analog computers store data in a continuous form of physical quantities like pressure, temperature, velocity and perform calculations with the help of measures. Analog computers are basically special-purpose computers that are used to perform a single task.  Example: speedometer, seismograph, mercury thermometer, etc.


Digital computer

Digital Computer:
The computer that process digital signal is called a digital computer. They work on discontinuous data and their output is also in the digital form. Digital computers are general-purpose microcomputers that are used for various tasks. They are versatile computers used for multiple applications. Example: Laptop, Desktop, personal computer, etc.


hybrid computer

Hybrid Computer
: The computer that processes both the analog and digital signal is called a hybrid computer. It has the features of both analog and digital computers. These computers are also special-purpose computers that are designed to perform a specific task. Hybrid computers are powerful and expensive computers used for complex applications.  Example: CT-scan Machine, MRI Machine, Radar system in aeroplane etc.


The differences between analog computer and digital computer are listed below:

Analog Computer

Digital Computer

Analog computers are special purpose computer

Digital computers are general purpose computer

They process analog signal

They process digital signal

They are task specific computers

They are used for multiple tasks

They are expensive than digital computers.

They are cheaper than analog computers

Eg: Speedometer, Seismograph, thermometer, etc

Eg: Laptop, Desktop, Palmtop, etc


 Types of computers on the basis of size and power:

These computers are the digital computers that may be multitasking, multiuser system with great speed, capability, storage, and complex functionality.

 1. Microcomputer

2. Mini Computer

3. Mainframe computer

4. Supercomputer


Micro Computer:

A microcomputer is a small, relatively inexpensive digital computer with a microprocessor as its central processing unit. It includes a microprocessor, memory, and minimal input/output circuitry mounted on a single printed circuit board. Microcomputers are the general-purpose computer used for household use, office works, and entertainment. They are designed to be used by a single user at a time. All the PC, laptops, desktops, smartphones, tablets, etc. are examples of microcomputers.



Mini Computer:

The computer that is smaller, less expensive, and less powerful than a mainframe or supercomputer but more expensive and more powerful than a personal computer is called a minicomputer. Minicomputers are mainly multi-users systems where more than one user can work simultaneously. Minicomputers were used for scientific and engineering computations, business transaction processing, file handling, and database management. Example: IBM's AS/400e, Honeywell200, TI-990



Mainframe Computer:

A mainframe computer is more powerful and bigger than a microcomputer and minicomputer but less powerful than a supercomputer. These computers are ultra-high performance computers made for high-volume processing of data and instructions. A mainframe computer is used in industries to process a huge amount of data and perform larger operations. Example: IBM zSeries, System z9, and System z10 servers.


mainframe computer

Super Computer:

The supercomputer is the most powerful computer in the world. It is the most expensive and the most powerful computer. Supercomputers are huge in size and have the highest processing speed. It is used for processing huge volumes of data, scientific research, weather forecasting, launching a rocket, testing bombs, etc. Example: Summit Supercomputer, Sierra, Sunway TaihuLight, Trinity, Tianhe-2 Supercomputer Frontera Supercomputer. Cray-1. Fugaku. PARAM-Siddhi. Fugaku is the world's most powerful and fastest supercomputer which is in Japan.



The differences between microcomputer and minicomputer are listed below:

Micro Computer

Mini Computer

They are general-purpose computers

They are not general-purpose computers

They are less powerful than minicomputers

They are more powerful than microcomputers

They are smaller in size

They are bigger than microcomputers

They are cheaper than mini computers

They are expensive than microcomputers

Eg: Laptop, Desktop, etc

Eg: IBM 1401, Honeywell200, etc


 Types of Computer on the basis of purposes.

According to purpose, computers are categorized on the basis of the works to be performed. They are

1. Special purpose computer

2. General purpose computer

Special purpose computer

special purpose computer

The computers that are designed to perform only one task effectively are called special-purpose computers. These computers may be analog devices or hybrid computers. They cannot be reprogrammed as they contain inbuilt programs and they perform only specified functions. These computers are used for special works and they can only do a single job. Examples: ATM (Automatic Teller Machine), CT scan machine, MRI machine Digital Camera, etc.

General-purpose computer

general purpose computer

The computers that are designed to perform multiple tasks effectively is known as a general-purpose computer. These computers can be used for various jobs. These computers are basically digital microcomputers. They are used for our general activities such as preparing documents, playing games, learning, searching, etc. Examples: Laptop, Dekstop, Tablet, Smartphones, etc.    


 The difference between general purpose and special purpose computers are listed below:

General Purpose Computer

Special Purpose Computer

General-purpose computers are designed to perform multiple tasks


Special purpose computers are designed to perform specific work.

They are versatile computer

They are not versatile

These computers are slower than special purpose computer

These computers are faster than a general-purpose computer

Eg: Laptop, Desktop, Tablet PC, etc

Eg: ATM machine, CT scan Machine, Washing machine, etc



Personal Computer

Personal computers are single user-oriented general-purpose microcomputers that perform a variety of tasks. A personal computer is smaller in size and basically used for household as well as official works. Personal computers consist of a keyboard, mouse, monitor, and different applications such as MS Office and other applications for fulfilling the needs of people.

There are different types of personal computers some of them are listed below:



Desktop computers are single-user personal computers that can be placed on a desk. That is why it is called the desktop computer. It is a digital computer that is used as general-purpose computer. We can perform a variety of tasks that may be related to personal activities or performing different official jobs. The desktop computer has a separate keyboard, mouse, speaker that needs to be attached to the computer system.




Laptop computers are the portable and reliable digital microcomputer that has keyboard and Touchpad attached with the system. They are lightweight microcomputers that can be easily carried from one place to another. These computers are operated with batteries. Laptop computers are very suitable for performing multiple jobs.   


Notebook computer

notebook computer

Notebook computers are a small type of microcomputer than laptops. They are ultra-portable computers with very less weight. These computers have built-in web cameras and microphones that are very helpful for internet-based communications at any place. It is also a general-purpose computer that can be used for various activities.


Palmtop computer


Palmtop computer is a small lightweight battery-operated microcomputer. It is very small enough to hold in a hand. Palmtop is a fully functional digital computer that can be used for different jobs and can be carried anywhere easily.

Tablet PC

tablet pc

Tablet PC is a portable and extremely small microcomputer that can be easily carried anywhere. This computer has all the functions of digital computers and can be used for general purposes. They have a touch screen that makes this computer very easy to use.



Mobile computing

They are very small digital devices that have the features of computers. They can be used to carry out most of the function that is done with the computer. They have the features of accessing the resources of the internet that made it a very useable, reliable, and smart computer. Different applications help to make this device multitasking and versatile.       



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