Internet And Its Services

Internet And Its Services Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2

The world's largest computer network that connects millions of computers across the world for data communication is known as the internet. It is an interconnected network of LANs and MAN’s. So it is also called a network of networks. There are millions of powerful server computers on the internet that provide information to client computers.

Components Required for Connecting Internet
Web browser:
It is application software that helps to access the internet and display the contents of websites. Eg: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc.

ISP-Internet Service Provider:
The Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides internet facilities to its customers. Eg: world link, NTC, etc

Modem/Telephone Line:
It is the pathway for transferring the data from one computer to another computer over the network.

Advantages of Internet

    1. Faster communication.
    2. Low communication cost.
    3. It creates employment opportunities.
    4. Globalisation.
    5. Entertainment.

Disadvantages of internet

    1.  Cybercrimes.
    2.  Unemployment.
    3.  Impact on social culture.
    4.  Health issues.

Services of Internet

WWW is also known as the Web is a popular service of the internet that provides information on various topics or subjects. Information stored on a particular website can be accessed with this service of the internet. A website is a collection of different web pages that contains information on a particular topic. We can get this information in the form of text, audio, video, and images. Special types of websites which are called search engines like are used for searching information on any topic.

WWW-World Wide Web

Electronic mail is a popular service of the internet that allows to send and receive mails through the internet. SMTP and POP are the protocols used to transfer and receive emails from one computer to another. Identification of an email is required to send or receive emails which is known as an email address.


Advantages of email

    1. It is very fast and economic.
    2. It can be accessed at any time.
    3. Receivers should not be available in real-time.
    4. Single mail can be sent to many people at the same time.
    5. Any type of information like text, audio, an image can be easily sent through email.

IRC-Internet Relay Chat(Chatting):
Chatting is one of the services of the internet that enables us to send and receive instant messages. We need chat applications like a messenger to use the service. Chatting is done when both sender and receiver are available at the same time.

Internet relay chat
Chatting- IRC(Internet Relay Chat)

Video Conferencing: 
It is the most advanced service of the internet that helps to do virtual face-to-face communication among people sitting at different locations. Online meetings and conferences can be done with this service of the internet. To use this facility we need video calling software and availability of the members at the same time.

Video conferencing
Video Conferencing

Electronic fax is a service of the internet that allows to send and receive faxes directly on the computers.  Programs and the internet are required for the service. One can send documents and images that get printed with the receiver's printer.

It is an online business conducted with the help of the internet. Buying and selling goods online through the internet is known as Electronic Commerce. E-Commerce sites like, etc allow you to buy goods online. It is very simple and easy to buy goods through the internet. 


FTP: It is one of the services of the internet that helps to download huge amounts of data from the FTP server.  Internet users can download files easily with this service.

FTP- File Transfer Protocol

Telnet is the service of the internet that helps to access remote computers. Special software is required to access the computer from another location. The user can enter data, run programs, and transfer files after getting access.

Social networking:
Social networking can be done with the help of the Internet and social media applications like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. It helps to create a network between society and society members.

Social Networking
Social Networking

The newsgroup is a topic-specific forum where people can post questions, news in comments or read as well as respond to such postings.

VOIP( Internet Telephony) 
Internet telephony is a service of the internet that helps to make telephone communications over the internet. It uses a voice-over internet protocol (VOIP). Internet calling is done with the help of some applications such as Skype, Messenger, etc.

A blog is a service of the internet that provides information on a particular topic. It is similar to a website and maintained by a single individual. Articles on related topics are posted on the blog that is accessed by the people looking for such information.

An intranet is a private network of computers owned by a company or an organization. It is accessible to its employees only.

Features of Intranet

  1. It is a private network within a company or its branches.
  2. It is similar to the internet.
  3. It acts as a powerful tool for communication in an organization.

Some terms used in Internet
Webpage: A web page is an internet page that displays the content of a website.

Website: A website is a collection of interlinked web pages that contains information on a particular subject or topic.

Web browser: Web browsers are web applications that help to access the internet.

Web server: It is a computer in the network that stores information and distributes that information to required client computers in the network.

HTML: It is a markup language that is used to create web pages and websites for displaying the contents of the internet.

HTTP: It is a protocol that is used for communicating between websites and web browsers.

URL: Uniform Resource Locator is the address of any particular website.

Search engine: A search engine is a special type of website that helps to search for information on a particular topic or subject. Eg:

ISP: Internet Service Provider(ISP) is a company that provides internet facilities to its customers.

Uploading: Uploading is the process of sending files from client computer to server computer.

Downloading: Downloading is the process of getting information from a server to a client's computer.

Social Media: Social media are the social networking sites or applications that help to connect the society members with each other and help to communicate with them.
