Internet and Its Services Important Question and Answer Class 10 Computer Science

Internet and Its Services Important Question and Answer Class 10 Computer Science

Internet and Its Services Important Question and Answer Class 10 Computer Science

1.  What is the internet?

 Ans: The world's largest computer network that connects millions of computers across the world for data communication is known as the internet.

2.           List any four services of the internet.

 Ans: The four services of internet are listed below:




 Video conferencing

  3. What is an ISP?

  Ans: An ISP (Internet Service Provider) is a company that provides internet facilities to its customers


4. What is a web browser? Give example.

 Ans: A web browser is an application software that helps to access the internet and display the content of the internet. Example, Google Chrome.


5.   What is a search engine? Give example.

 A search engine is a special type of website that allows to search information on any topic. Example


6.  What is an email?

 Ans: An e-mail is a popular service of internet that allows to send and receive electronic letter from one computer to another.

 7.   What is Telnet?

Ans: Telnet is the service of internet that allows to access the remote computer.


8.   What is the function of FTP?

Ans: The function of FTP are listed below:

·     To share files from one computer to another on a network

·     To download or upload files from the internet


9.   What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet?

 Ans: The advantages and disadvantages of internet are listed below 

Advantages of Internet

·     Faster communication.

·     Low communication cost.

·     It creates employment opportunities.

·     Globalisation.

·     Entertainment.


Disadvantages of internet

·      Cyber crimes.

·      Unemployment.

·      Impact on social culture.

·      Health issues.

