Qbasic Program To Find The Average Of Three Numbers
Algorithm To Find The Average of Three Numbers
Step1: Start
Step2: Accept/Input any three numbers and store them in three different variables, a, b, c
Step3: Calculate avergae=(a+b+c)/3
Step4: Display the average number
Step5: End the program
Step1: Start
Step2: Accept/Input any three numbers and store them in three different variables, a, b, c
Step3: Calculate avergae=(a+b+c)/3
Step4: Display the average number
Step5: End the program
Qbasic Program To Find The Average Of Three Numbers
INPUT” Enter the first number”; a
INPUT” Enter the second number”; b
INPUT” Enter the third number”; c
INPUT” Enter the first number”; a
INPUT” Enter the second number”; b
INPUT” Enter the third number”; c
LET Average = (a+b+c)/3
PRINT” The average number is ”; Average
Algorithm To Find The Average of Three Numbers Using Sub Procedure in QBASIC
Step1: Start
Step2: Declare the sub procedure with a name and parameters as Average (a, b, c)
Step3: Accept/Input any three numbers and store them in three different variables, a, b, c
Step4: Call the sub procedure declared in the step2 with CALL statement as CALL Average(a, b, c)
Step5: End the program
Step6: Define the sub procedure
Step7: In the sub procedure, calculate the average number
Step8: Display the average number
Step9: End the sub procedure
Step1: Start
Step2: Declare the sub procedure with a name and parameters as Average (a, b, c)
Step3: Accept/Input any three numbers and store them in three different variables, a, b, c
Step4: Call the sub procedure declared in the step2 with CALL statement as CALL Average(a, b, c)
Step5: End the program
Step6: Define the sub procedure
Step7: In the sub procedure, calculate the average number
Step8: Display the average number
Step9: End the sub procedure
Qbasic Program To Find The Average Of Three Numbers Using FUNCTION Procedure
CLSINPUT” Enter the first number”; a
INPUT” Enter the second number”; b
INPUT” Enter the third number”; c
PRINT” The average number is ”; AVG (a, b, c)
FUNCTION AVG (a, b, c)
Average= (a + b + c)/3
AVG= Average
Algorithm To Find The Average of Three Numbers Using Function Procedure in QBASIC
Step1: Start
Step2: Declare the function procedure with name and parameters as Average (a, b, c)
Step3: Accept/Input any three numbers and store them in three different variables, a, b, c
Step4: Call the function procedure declared in the step2 with a variable or PRINT Statement
Step5: End the program
Step6: Define the function procedure
Step7: In the function procedure, calculate the average number
Step8: Assign the value of the average number to the function name
Step9: End the function procedure
Step1: Start
Step2: Declare the function procedure with name and parameters as Average (a, b, c)
Step3: Accept/Input any three numbers and store them in three different variables, a, b, c
Step4: Call the function procedure declared in the step2 with a variable or PRINT Statement
Step5: End the program
Step6: Define the function procedure
Step7: In the function procedure, calculate the average number
Step8: Assign the value of the average number to the function name
Step9: End the function procedure
Qbasic Program To Find The Average Of Three Numbers Using SUB Procedure
CLSINPUT” Enter the first number”; a
INPUT” Enter the second number”; b
INPUT” Enter the third number”; c
CALL AVG (a, b, c)
SUB AVG (a, b, c)
Average= (a + b + c)/3
PRINT " The average is "; Average
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